How to reduce image size

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Your profile picture needs to be less than 1MB in size to aid in website performance. If the image you have is over 1MB, you can follow the below steps to reduce the file size.

How to reduce image size

Step 1: open the following website

Step 2: click 'upload files' and choose the image you want to compress

Step 3: you’ll see a comparison window below, check the compressed file size is under 1MB; if needed, use the vertical slider on the right of that window to reduce the file size (ideally aim for 500KB or just under), and then click 'Apply’.

Step 4: when your image is under 1MB, you can click 'Download' (see screenshot below) under the image thumbnail and upload to this form. You may need to check your Downloads folder on your PC/laptop to find the downloaded image.


Evgeniy Belchev

Technical Director

Evgeniy has spent over 14 years working in Technology and IT and holds degrees in Economics and Law. Evgeniy started his career managing dev teams, and in 2009 became part of the founding team of Vizzihome, a data and market intelligence business acquired by Zoopla in 2013.

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